Quality Records - Keeping Records Secure
Value to Customer Business:
QMSrs offers a powerful tool for managing and controlling all quality records in an organisation.
- It manages and controls all your organisational quality records needs to satisfy and certification standards such as Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Health & Safety (ISO 45001), and many more.
- No Risk of mistakes in using other than the latest version of a quality record.
- Simple migration from your existing system.
- The most time and cost-efficient administrative system you can find for updating, approving and distributing your quality record.
- No Stationary Costs for managing Quality and QMSrs repository.
- QMSrs can manage any quality record in any location at any time.
- Online Glossary for all your organisational abbreviations.
Scalability and Simplicity
- Unlimited Storage Capacity.
- Instant access from anywhere on the Planet any time.
- Caters for any type of organisation from the one-man band to the multinational multi-site and multi-regional operation.
- Uses exactly the existing applications used to create and edit quality records.
- No special skills required for migration or maintenance.
Quality records Security & Access
- Security controls down to record level to view, change or approve.
- You can control exactly what quality record each member of staff has access to and what access level they are entitled to.
- Users can only view quality records they have been given access to.
- Instant access to every specified internal and external user.
- Central or regional control of quality records depending on your organisation.
- Remote storage on hosted server with controlled access.
Quality records Change
- No new quality records without full authorisation.
- Electronic changes to quality records on line offering full control using an electronic approval process.
- Full electronic creation, review, approval and publishing of quality records.
- No potential for overwriting other quality records with the Check in / Check out feature.
Quality records Reviews
- Electronic Tracking of quality records Reviews to closure.
- Online quality records reviews by Peers and approvers.
Record Keeping and Archives
- A full and complete quality records history trail is maintained for each one with instant retrieval.
- Electronic and Automatic archiving of all your identified quality records.
- Archived versions of a quality records are also available to approved users.
- Electronically control manages and approves temporary deviations online.
Communication of Process Changes
- Instant electronic notification of changes to recording.
Training in Process Changes
- Tracking of training in relevant record change.
You can learn more on our Excellence solutions by clicking on the Practice Portal and practice using them
QMSrs Arabic Solution
There is also an Arabic stand-alone version of the product.
You can learn more on our Excellence solutions by clicking on Arabic Practice Portal and practice using them