Employee Welfare - Everything we do is for people
QMSrs Employee Welfare Management Solution is about making sure your people are all marching in the same direction
What is QMSrs' Employee Welfare Management Solution?
QMSrs Employee Welfare Management Solution is a web-based solution that allows the management to set, match and manage employee objectives to core business objectives, tracks and manages training plans and requirements, manages employee evaluations, and maintains a complete record of job requirements and personal development plans.
Employee Welfare Management Includes:
- Employee & Development
- Contracts Management
- Employee Records
- Events Management
- Organisational Structure
Why Use QMSrs' Employee Welfare Management Solution?
One of the most difficult challenges facing companies today is aligning employee objectives with corporate objectives.
QMSrs Employee Welfare Management Solution was designed to meet this challenge and it also provides tools to assist in training needs assessments and training program evaluations.
By implementing Employee Welfare Management Solution, you will be able to coordinate and develop the skills of your human resources much more effectively.
Flexible, professional, and secure human resources system, safeguards your company. You can use Employee Welfare Management Solution to effectively track your employee data and manage all of your personnel files.
Training & Development
Being well trained, means you can train others.
Every organisation believes firmly that its people are its most important asset.
They carry out all the important and critical activities that deliver its organisational successes.
It is therefore extremely important to ensure that all staff are competent in these tasks.
Integrated within QMSrs toolset, we offer a comprehensive set of products that ensure that staff receive the appropriate induction and training.
QMSrs Training tool is easy-to-use and designed to effectively manage the training process.
- Reduces costs by providing quick and easy access to employee training records.
- Improves company performance by ensuring only properly trained and certified individuals are assigned to jobs and projects.
- Managing training records and tracking refresher training in an effective way.
- Enables users to set up work groups and track completed training for each individual in the group.
- Archive and tracks training history for each employee to ensure compliance with company training requirements.
- Alerts users when refresher courses or other events are due.
- Provide all training information and course schedules for quick and easy registration of individuals or groups.
- Manage and maintain everything related to employee training including such items as employee: feedback, training records, skill levels, position specific required skills, attendance logs, and much more.
You can learn more on our Excellence solutions by clicking on the Practice Portal and practice using them
QMSrs Arabic Solution
There is also an Arabic stand-alone version of the product.
You can learn more on our Excellence solutions by clicking on Arabic Practice Portal and practice using them